Smexy Posts.
This week is the bomb when it comes to natural beauty, and this is no exeptions. we have a couple of beauties from NYC that are gonna be ch...
We Have some music that will make ya jump for joy.
Straight from Dade County, is a Cuban sexy latina goddess that has her own company and does things for a living, With the Fav Girl this week...
- Fav Girl of The Week ( 17 )
- The Worldwide Radio Blog ( 7 )
- Dub-Stepping ( 4 )
- UserCreated ( 3 )
- Not A Fat Chance ( 1 )
- Always backup your Computer so you can get the Bad sectors out in order to attempt to repair it. In some cases, this can be accessed by right clicking Properties > Tools > Error-checking and click Check Now. You should check the prompt Automatically fix file system errors. Be default it will ask you to restart your computer, if you want to do that, otherwise, uncheck it and check Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors. If you completed it and said that you have no problems with the computer, chances are that your computer is acting up funny. If you have installed a Hard Drive program to monitor your computer, you will receive errors that will mess up your Computer.
- If the system gives you an BSOD at any time, you will have to negotiate you problems, chances are, you will have to get a new hard drive and a new copy of Windows 7 (If you can find it). New and fresh copies of Windows 8 and 8.1 are available. Microsoft will give you fits when installing Windows 7 or 8 without entering a valid code to activate Windows indeed, it’s up to you. It will be on you to choose the cheapest way to reinstall Windows 7 or 8. Microsoft will crack down on you if you are using an invalid copy of any copy of Windows if you use a certain ISP providers, i.e. Pirate Copy of Windows. Chances are you will get in trouble with the law, so be careful.
- My suggestion to you, if you want to run your computer or laptop down to pieces, ignore it. Do not repair your computer like an idiot thinking that it will work. If you want to invest a couple $500USD on your next purchase of a hard drive, a new copy of Windows 8 and tools to assemble and resemble your computer, do so, BUT don’t choose the cheap way. Save up some bucks to do it and be smart.
- And Good luck! You will need all that you can! If all else fails, just but a new Computer or laptop.
That point when you are at your last foot and you want to loose your pants and show your body to the world and say "I'm the king of big black cock!" Well that point haven't got to me yet.
I know I got a account that I haven't updated in a long time, so I might add well keep it short. I WAS THINKING ABOUT THAT ANYWAY!!!
I am spending some time with some relatives on Christmas day when I was a little lad. The place for overwhelming and I felt camera shy. Yep, as parents you are forced to go to the outings, you was forced to go to the family reunions, and yes, you were forced to go to see family members for some odd time. I was punished for not getting in to the camera shot. Yes, I was forced to do that. I'm not going into that kind of rage of it, because it was the truth.
Yes,I was shy for photos, now that I'm more older and wiser, photos after arriving to show family members that you have growned up to be a wise nugget with your own house, and fancy automobile.
When I'm forced to take a photo out of pressure of family members to send on my smartphone, they want to see you so they can process that image in thier mind off what they see you as. It feels kind of creepy. Well that's my rant for now. Happy Christmas and a happy shy New year!