Friday, December 13, 2013
As YouTube is closely approaching starting to become as Nazi as Hitler, YouTube is doing the vigorous task to look every piece of video to search for Content ID. What's the point of putting Copyright Notices for some apparent reason. 5 years of hard work on my channel... gone. 5 years of dedication... gone. 5 years of awesomeness, and still breaking YouTube... gone. After Google bought YouTube and became a total bitch, and implemented the Content ID and became a total douche bag... it has a price. over $500 billion.

I'm looking for a new solution so I can upload as fast as I can, but where we live, we have bitchy internet connection that is just NetZero speed.

Consider this my payback to youtube. I'll see when my account gets suspended over 6 months from now, Including Inventer Lover and UCT5 and stuff.

I'll see you on the flip-side. be there.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
What I wanted to do for the new season of the show, was to do more than just a show.

When I did to season three, I didn't notice how much work I have to put it to do that show. At that point I had to step back and think," what am I thinking"? Then at that point, I wanted to stop doing the countdown because it was too much hard work and at that point I wanted to quit.

I wanted to do this new season of the countdown, I'm still debating on whether or not to do this episode and all episodes of the countdown, but I have so much stuff on my plate that I start to give full and lazy!

So today I'm doing a challenge for each and every one of you guys right here on YouTube.
I want to see how your talent is, and how you can improve on what your talent is. You can always submit a video to us through our YouTube channel, just send it to us through UserCreatedOfficial, and follow the instructions. Just remember to have fun, don't push yourself, and always Beechwood your craft.
God has given us a talent, and we want to use it for the common good and not for common bad.
However, I do want to do certain things to harm people but I want them to know how much I care about the small independent music community besides all those big names music stars such as Katy Perry, Ariana Grande, Kes$ha, Lady Gaga, and all of these other bands, boy bands, girl bands such as little mix, and all these other small bands.

The purpose of my countdown is the countdown the actual truthful and awesome artists without prejudice. However it is not a way to get a record deal or contract. I just can't do the actual record contracts to individuals like that. I know how the music industry works, and I didn't want to be in that music industry in the beginning. Always wanted to be independent. That's why I'm truthfully doing this out of the animosity of my heart, if they want to to fulfill their own dreams, by all means that they can do it. But how you do it in this music industry is entirely up to you.

At this time, I do not know whether I'm going to do new episodes of the countdown has a whole, in general. It's my opinion, to forceful at this time because of other projects. I might have to hold off for the series until I come back and figure out what I want to do with it the countdown. My brain has been burned out for a couple weeks, and I don't know whether or not I'm going to stop doing this quote because I am an owl Fullscreen partner for three of my YouTube channels, I had to pick up the pace. In a couple of weeks I will be going somewhere, but I will not be absent on my InventerLover channel, because I got so many things I want to show you during season four. At this time, for those you who don't care, don't read this. But for those you who care, I want you guys to know that I may be gone, but my spirit and in the hard work of my channel will still be there through a couple of weeks from now.

Thank you so much for reading this article, and may the truth will always and forever be on fire. God bless you.
